Flood refugees at mealtime, Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
The Bessie Levee augmented with sand bags during the 1937 flood. Near Tiptonville, Tennessee. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
The Bessis Levee, along a subsidiary of the Mississippi River. The levee has been augmented with sand bags during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
The Bessis Levee, along a subsidiary of the Mississippi River, near Tiptonville, Tennessee. The levee has been augmented with sand bags during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
The Bessis Levee, along a subsidiary of the Mississippi River, near Tiptonville, Tennessee. The levee has been augmented with sand bags during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Facilities for washing in the camp for white flood refugees at Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Setting up a tent in the camp for white flood refugees, Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A girl in the camp for white flood refugees, Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
View taken from train between Memphis, Tennessee, and Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
View taken from train between Memphis, Tennessee, and Forrest City, Arkansas, during the flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
View taken from train between Memphis, Tennessee, and Forrest City, Arkansas, during the flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Cornbread. Food for flood refugees at the Forrest City concentration camp. Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negroes waiting for food in the Forrest City, Arkansas, concentration camp. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negroes waiting for food in the Forrest City, Arkansas, refugee camp. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Sick flood refugee in the Red Cross temporary infirmary at Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Sick flood refugee in the Red Cross temporary infirmary at Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Sick flood refugee in the Red Cross temporary infirmary at Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Sick Negro in the Red Cross temporary infirmary for flood refugees. Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Household goods of a Negro flood refugee in the temporary infirmary. Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negro flood refugees in the Red Cross temporary infirmary at Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negro girl in the temporary infirmary. Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negro flood refugee in the Red Cross temporary infirmary of Forrest City, Arkansas. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Entrance to Marianna, Arkansas, during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Flood refugees in canning factory used by the Red Cross as a relief station. Mayfield, Kentucky. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Flooded farmland near New Madrid, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Cache, Illinois, near the crest of the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Livestock on a levee. A flooded farm. Cache, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Flooded farm near New Madrid, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A flood refugee and his family in the schoolhouse at East Prairie, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Flood refugees at mealtime. Near Charleston, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A young flood refugee sleeping amid salvaged household goods in a schoolhouse at Sikeston, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negro flood refugees at meal time. Charleston, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A large load of household goods which has been moved from the path of the flood. Moored at the levee in New Madrid, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Negro getting a haircut in front of church which houses flood refugees. Sikeston, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Ancient stove in farmhouse near New Madrid, Missouri. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
The kitchen sink in a New Haven, Illinois, home after the flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Colored flood refugees at the door of their boxcar home near Cache, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Boxcar home of flood refugees near Cache, Illinois. About fourteen were living in this car. 1937 Feb.
The mail must go through. Lineup of Works Progress Administration (WPA) workers during the flood at Cairo, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Workers filling bags with sand during the flood. Cairo, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Piling sandbags along the levee during the height of the flood. Cairo, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Piling sandbags along the levee during the height of the flood. Cairo, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Hogs in an improvised pen on the levee near Cache, Illinois, during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Pen improvised for pigs during the flood on a levee near Cache, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
During the flood, cows and chickens were moved to the highest ground possible. Near Cache, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Telephone linesmen raising wires to keep them above the flood level. Near Cache, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
An attempt was made to save furniture and clothes by scaffolding in this house at New Haven, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A backyard in Maunie, Illinois, after the flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Doll and furniture after the flood. Maunie, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Flood-drowned chickens on road near Maunie, Illinois. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Farmhouse evacuated during the flood. Cache, Illinois. Note dog still guarding house. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A street in Cairo, Illinois, during the flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A police dog who became entangled in harnesses during the flood and was drowned. Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Workman removing flooded corn from crib at hominy mill. Mount Vernon, Indiana. Several thousand bushels were lost in this crib which was built above level of 1913 flood, previously the greatest on record. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Men removing water-logged corn from crib after flood. Port Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Sacks of grain and corn strewn around farm after flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Hog drowned in the flood and half buried underground. Black Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Chickens who were caught in the flood and drowned. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Digging grave for drowned mule. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Two drowned sheep being loaded onto a truck. Aftermath of the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Loading dead sheep onto a truck in flooded area. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Turnips uprooted by the flood. Point Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A privy overturned by the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Woman shoveling silt and debris in flooded farmhouse. Note overturned piano. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Corner of living room in farmhouse after flood had passed through Point Township. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Women cleaning mud off furniture damaged by flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Cleaning flood debris out of a farmhouse. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Furniture and debris scattered in Indiana farmyard after flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Side of house torn away by flood, showing damaged interior of house. Black Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Interior of farmhouse after flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Man sweeping mud off the front steps of his house after flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Furniture ruined by flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Chicken house torn from foundations and twisted. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Automobile after the flood on Mackey Ferry Road near Mount Vernon, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Towing flood-damaged automobile to be reconditioned. Point Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Remains of a player piano after the flood swept through a farm in Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Indiana farmhouse after the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Closeup of Indiana farmhouse after the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Havoc wrought by flood on a farm in Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
An Indiana farmhouse flung into the road by force of the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Upturned farmhouse resting against a tree. Result of the flood in Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
This porch was torn off the house in the background by the 1937 flood. Near Mount Vernon, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Farmhouse and outbuildings ruined by flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Farmhouse damaged by the flood near Mount Vernon, Indiana. On Mackey Ferry Road. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Side of Indiana farmhouse torn away by flood waters on Mackey Ferry Road. Near Mount Vernon. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Log cabin farmhouse after the flood had swept through it. On Mackey Ferry Road near Mount Vernon, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Chicken house twisted by the flood. Point Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A wagon on Indiana farmland after the flood had passed over. Point Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A barn stripped by the flood on Mackey Ferry Road. Near Mount Vernon, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Shattered outbuilding and debris in an Indiana farmyard. 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A combination corn crib and machine shed collapsed after the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Indiana farmland and machine shed after the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Collapsed barn on farm near Mount Vernon, Indiana. 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Soil washed from field and deposited on the road. Point Township, Posey County, Indiana. 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Mule drowned by the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
A drowned mule who was caught on the limb of a tree. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
County schoolhouse after the flood. Posey County, Indiana. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Buchanan's general store at Hovey, Indiana, open for business after the flood. Note furniture placed on roof to protect it from flood waters. 1937 Feb.
source: PPOC
Schoolhouse in Posey County, Indiana, which was used as a stable during the 1937 flood. 1937 Feb.